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Insomnia Web Studio
Current Info:
Big features have been slammed in and now we are focusing on the smaller details and debugging, this isn't that fun, but someone has to do it..

About Insomnia Web Studio
Well, Insomnia includes pretty much everything someone with a goal to create and set up a good web page would need. It is like the beginners kit and the professionals kit, ranging from basic HTML to PHP & Perl programming. We hope to have Tech 3 Paint GTW completed and placed into the studio but we have been having trouble writting the formulas to opening and creating image files that are compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer. But it does include an FTP Transferer, the HTML - DHTML Editor, Php & Perl Editor, JavaScript Editor, Instant Preview, our little specialty TTW, and much more.. And 8 months of brain burnin' coding!


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