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Tech 3 PHP Scripts
Well, we don't have much now, but we will have tons later! We would use them ourselves if we could get our site to support PHP. These are it for now, they are our scripts but use them however you want, they are in ZIP files because the will activate if we directly linked to them. Sorry 'bout that...
Price Totalling
This is a real cheap one, it isn't worth much but education
Image Preview Builder
This one is great, It creates an HTML document with all the images in a specific directory displayed perfectly, no errors at all. Very usefull for graphics sites!
File Lister
This is a lot like the way an FTP directory looks within MSIE, could be usefull. Lists the files of a certain directory...

Hey PHP Coders!
Got some source code in PHP? Want it to be availible to millions of people? Submit it to us!
Attach to email: unistatic@hotmail.com
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