Arena Insider
- Interface - 100%
- Structures - 100%
- Shop & Items - 100%
- Status - 100%
- Battle - 95%
- Magic & Ability - 95%
Token Fighter
About Token Fighter:
Token fighter is a game set in a fantasy world where the spirits of fighters and monsters live inside magical tokens. You will own some of these tokens and train the spirits within them. You could pay to have them specially trained for you, or try to teach them yourself. You can trade them with friends, or compete in tournaments against others. You will be able to go on journeys to faraway lands where some spirits can help you find hidden treasures. Be careful, because they don't live forever, and if the tokens become damaged it will adversely affect the fighters' performance!
Maze Generator:
This is sort of a side project that will be integrated into Arena at a later time. The mazes will be generated to custom size, with or without rooms, at varying complexity. Support to scatter objects throughout the maze will also be included. Check it out here.
 Other Stuff:
 Lots of new stuff is in the back of my brain, but I always need help! If you're a talented programmer that knows MFC well enough to create a working dialog application, then I'm looking for your help! Send me an e-mail if you're interested.