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Info Center
 About Tech 3 Games
   Tech 3 Games is the source for the newest freeware games. You can stay posted here for all the latest news. But down to business.
 News - 02/16/03
   Updated! The Battle Arena 0.2.0r5 is up. It's got more enemies, more stuff, a working shop, and it's tighter than ever. It's hot, it's cool, and it's good! What are you waiting for? Download The Battle Arena 0.2.0r5 now!
   Come get a piece of action at The Battle Arena! You can download two versions. The DOS Version should run on any Windows or DOS system or emulator, and has been discontinued. The challenge is to defeat all of the toughest enemies! The Remake Version is for 32-bit Windows platforms only but may work under emulators. It's still under development, so stay tuned to this website for all the latest information. I've also made a Dungeon Generator for Windows. It will generate random dungeons made-to-order.
 The Battle Arena
   This is a long-standing project that started as a crash course in C++ and has evolved into a commercially viable game. It's actually quite addictive, and I've saved the old DOS version that I wrote years ago so people can play it again. You can download it by clicking a menu item above or a link below. Simply unzip the file you download and a new folder ("Arena" or "WArena") will be created. Open that folder to play the game inside! Note that the Windows version is DEMO - be sure to read README.TXT before playing!
 DOS Arena:
   The source code to this got royally trashed when I tried to convert the base code to a new structure. The game was too big; I got in way over my head! No bugs in this version will be fixed, but you can still play it (click here to download it) and even modify the enemies and items if you like.
 Windows Arena:
   This newly redesigned version is a rehash built from the ground up using Visual C++ 6.0. The current release version is 0.2.0r5 (get it here) and v0.2.0r6 is under development. You can see a progress report for this version to the right. It is not fully functional as of yet; but progress continues steadily, albeit slowly. Stay posted here for all the latest information or download 0.2.0r5 to see it for yourself.
 Arena Insider
  • Interface - 100%
  • Structures - 100%
  • Shop & Items - 100%
  • Status - 100%
  • Battle - 95%
  • Magic & Ability - 95%
Token Fighter
 About Token Fighter:
   Token fighter is a game set in a fantasy world where the spirits of fighters and monsters live inside magical tokens. You will own some of these tokens and train the spirits within them. You could pay to have them specially trained for you, or try to teach them yourself. You can trade them with friends, or compete in tournaments against others. You will be able to go on journeys to faraway lands where some spirits can help you find hidden treasures. Be careful, because they don't live forever, and if the tokens become damaged it will adversely affect the fighters' performance!

 Maze Generator:
   This is sort of a side project that will be integrated into Arena at a later time. The mazes will be generated to custom size, with or without rooms, at varying complexity. Support to scatter objects throughout the maze will also be included. Check it out here.
 Other Stuff:

   Lots of new stuff is in the back of my brain, but I always need help! If you're a talented programmer that knows MFC well enough to create a working dialog application, then I'm looking for your help! Send me an e-mail if you're interested.

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